PRE-ORDER on KICKSTARTER: SHOW THEM SOME Adore – Support PEACE BICYCLES! This bike takes me back to a time when life was simpler. When air was cleaner. And time stood nevertheless when I rode my bike. Introducing The
Dreamer by Peace Bicycles of Los Angeles. It looks easier. But that does not mean we’;re back to 3 speeds.
All models are equipped with 6-speed transmission, pot hole busting balloon tires and most importantly, a frame design and style that needs you to ride upright. So your posture is correct and your back won’;t hurt. It has a spring-loaded seat and riser handlebars – this ride could not be much more pimped for comfort. We all know that mountain bikes may look cool, but they are not meant for city riding. Plus you have to change your clothing when you get exactly where you’;re going and that’;s a drag. I prefer to appear cool on my bike.

These bikes are not for the spandex-wearing couriers, maybe, but they’;d be a lot more comfortable if they did swap out their rides. Crouching over all day is only going to make you look like Quasimodo, ultimately. But this isn’;t just an ergonomic cruising bike, it really is a dream urban commuting bike – one that enables you to dress for “the destination, not the ride”. There are spoke guards, chain guards and fenders – remember those? But what all these guards mean is that you can put on your Hugo Boss suit, your Versace dress – just kidding, but you can put on something you want from cocktail to company attire, from beachwear to formal wear, and your garments will be protected. And you are going to look excellent receiving there!

There is a
Kickstarter campaign for the production of The Dreamer bicycle and there are two models offered: the straight-bar and the step-through, with a assortment of color options (silver or black for the straight-bar, peach, sea-foam, creme or black for the ladies step-via model). The
Kickstarter project gets you a bike (or two, depending on your level of commitment) at a discount, and there are other smaller sized contributions that earn factors like t-shirts and posters. And you will be assisting a young firm that is trying to encourage environmental sustainability by providing a solution that is both earth-friendly and sexy. It’;s a winning combination and deserves to be rewarded. This project comes highly advised.

But environmental conscience and an awesome product aren’;t the only factors to recommend this firm – they’;ve got heart. For every bike bought, they give a bike to an individual who needs it – from the young mother in Africa who can’;t get to marketplace to sell her wares to the young boy playing in the streets of Chicago. This
Kickstarter project makes it possible for you to be component of some thing significantly, much bigger than oneself. Wouldn’;t you be proud to be riding a single of the 1st bikes that this business ever tends to make?

All models come fully dressed with security and comfort attributes like front and back lights, brass designer bell, reflector strips and pedals with rubber pads to safeguard your shoes – or let you to ride barefoot. The 3D metal headbadge, color matching seat and grips and a gorgeous paint job give this ride a high-finish vintage look. And they’;re fairly light-weight at just 34 pounds.

Bicycle commuting for urban dwellers is a trend that’;s gaining fast adoption, specially on the west coast. And at just
$699 promotional cost, a Peace Bicycle will not kill your pocketbook the way a Budnitz or Tmars may possibly. (Plus, remember, some other deserving individual gets a bike also, courtesy of your obtain.) They’;re sustainable transportation, you can appear excellent receiving there, really feel good about helping one more and you get some exercise. Not to mention a trip down memory lane. Priceless.

And you can be portion of it at all at Kickstarter or see
Peace Bicycles for much more info. Happy commuting!

Purchase Dreamer bicycle Hi-res photos for Press
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